Monday, October 25, 2004

Playing the cards right?

Jimmy Carter accused President Bush of playing the 9/11 card in an article from The Gaurdian. Card? 9/11? I'm sorry, but that sort of thing just pisses me off. The President keeps talking about 9/11 because it is vital that we not forget what happened and who we are up against. It's not a card!
If anything is a card, it's the race card which John Kerry, and interest groups such as America Coming Together continue to play at an absolutely astonishing rate.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Accusations, and Lawsuits... the Elections of the Future?

Already the lawyers are getting ready for the election to be taken to the court. No matter who wins there's gonna be some sort of struggle to prove it wrong. Accusations of disenfranchising, and intimidating votes are in the works. In fact America Coming Together (a group that has raised tens of millions of dollars to back democratic candidates) has been passing out fliers in predominantly black communities with a picture of a fire fighter hosing down a black man, suggesting that Republicans are going to attack black voters to prevent them from voting. It even accuses "Them" of making black voters stand in line LONGER than anyone else to vote, and placing white cops in front of polling places to intimidate blacks from voting.
These accusations of Republicans doing these things to minorities REALLY amazes, and frustrates me. I'm doing 2 research papers at the moment on affirmative action, and have been learning alot about how all of this partisanship got involved with it. Republicans were the ones who introduced affirmative action policy as a temporary means to level the playing field for minorities. Almost 15 years after the policy had been in play, reverse discrimination became a huge issue, which is when the republicans started saying ok, let's pull back on this now; the field has been leveled. This is when the democratic party started trying to become champion of the minorities.
To accuse the Republican party of trying to cause harm, or prevent blacks from performing their right to vote is one of the most ridiculous accusations I have heard. The Democratic party is USING minorities to GAIN VOTES, and to raise accusations of voter intimidation, even when there really is none to report, as instructed in their election manuals.
In other news, there are already problems at some of the early voting precincts. Computers crashing, supposed incomplete absentee ballots... Lawyers, to your corners.

Friday, October 15, 2004

There's Something About Mary

Wednesday night (as I am sure you have ALL heard), Senator Kerry mentioned Mary Cheyney, Dick Cheyney's daughter, during the debate as an example of homosexuals being born homosexual. The Bush camp reacted right away calling the comment out of line. Kerry says he was just praising "strong families".
News Flash John. There was no commentary about families going on at that point and time in the debate. You were rebuttling (sp?) on the Presidents answer of not being sure if gays were born as such.
To me this is clearly a strategy in the Kerry/Edwards campaign. Edwards mentioned Mary during the VP debate, and now Kerry at the final debate. It's a cheap, inappropriate, political scheme, and the John's should be ashamed of themselves. Leave the family out of it guys.

"We need a change... A new face..."

The sentiment yet again held by many Kerry "supporters". I got an email from a dear friend of mine today. While I love her dearly, we do not agree on political issues. She is voting for Kerry this year (if she's registered ;) Love ya girl!). She said in her email to me that she felt that as someone who had never been President before, it would be understandable for him not to know HOW he was gonna do something. She then said, "I think politics are so complicated that even if he wanted to do something one way, he might have to do it another way or at a later time." hmmm... an excuse for "Flip-Flopping" perhaps? He has been in the Senate for 20 years. That's a pretty long time to figure out how things run, and if you're running for President, you better have done enough research to know what to do.
President Bush was often called underqualified, said not to have enough experience for the job of President. I can tell you one thing, he knew during the 2000 debates what he planned on doing, and HOW he was gonna do them.
One thing that makes me a little angry are the allegations of being in debt, and it being the Bush's fault. The "surplus" you hear Kerry talking about is from Social Security. When the barrier between the budget and Social Security was removed back in the 1960's, an illusion of surplus came into everyone's minds, and that's why we face the problem of my generation not having Social Security benefits down the road. THAT is NOT Bush's fault. It has been a gradual problem for the last almost 40 years. To say we started off with a surplus and Bush has gotten us into debt is ridiculous. There was no surplus to begin with. The government has been taking from Social Security what they felt they needed.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Lastnight's Debate

Anyone can see that John Kerry is a fabulous debater. I mean DUH. He's been in the senate for 20 years! One thing I do not see though is his PLAN. "This President has not...We need to... And I'm gonna do that." Ok, John, HOW!?!?! Yet another reason why his own party has doubts about him: He has NO plan, just a bunch of ideas.
John, don't attack President Bush about not having a plan for Iraq, when you don't have a plan for ANYTHING.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

9 out of 10 Kerry Supporters say "Anyone but Bush".

Being in my first year at a non Bible college I have had the opportunity to meet so many different people from different walks of life, political affiliations, and opinions on anything and everything. In waiting for class to start, or just waiting for the teacher to get to class, many people have seen my picture of President Bush on my binder, and it has started political discussions. Something that I have found that doesn't stray too much on variety are opinions on John Kerry.

Everytime I ask why someone has put their support behind John Kerry I get a comment that holds the sentiment of "Anyone but Bush." Talks of Bush misleading the American people into war, a grudge from Bush Sr.'s war in the gulf, and W's stupidity ensue. I haven't heard anything such as Kerry's plan for Iraq (HAHA!) inspires them to believe he will make things right there; that they believe he will build up the economy better than Bush has, or that he has the right idea on some of the social issues we're facing. NOTHING. Amazing. Bush supporters though tend to talk more about what he has done already, and what they believe he will continue to do. Not anything about Kerry, except the occasional wonderment of his Senate record which last all the 4 seconds it takes to pose the question.

Then I found this article on the Washington Post's website.


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Electoral Map

I was looking at an Electoral Map on Real Clear Politics and it looks pretty good for Bush so far.
Anyone hear the argument that people want to start dividing up the Electoral College Votes by precentage? Your thoughts...

Monday, October 11, 2004

My First Post!

Kerry Seeks Support in Black Churches the Washington Post reports today.

Yahoo! News reports that Former Rep. Carrie Meek said Kerry is "fighting against liars and demons. ... He challenges the man who walks with a jaunty step." She rocked her hips in an imitation of Bush's swagger as the congregation cheered and Kerry laughed from his high-backed seat behind the pulpit.
So why did John Kerry say, “I don’t wear my own faith on my sleeve. But faith has given me values and hope to live by… I don’t want to claim that God is on our side, but as Abraham Lincoln told us. I want to pray humbly that we are on God’s side.”
I guess Kerry was right: As Kerry told a teenager who asked him Saturday night if he can get rid of standardized tests, "You do a lot more praying during exams than any other time of the year."