9 out of 10 Kerry Supporters say "Anyone but Bush".
Being in my first year at a non Bible college I have had the opportunity to meet so many different people from different walks of life, political affiliations, and opinions on anything and everything. In waiting for class to start, or just waiting for the teacher to get to class, many people have seen my picture of President Bush on my binder, and it has started political discussions. Something that I have found that doesn't stray too much on variety are opinions on John Kerry.
Everytime I ask why someone has put their support behind John Kerry I get a comment that holds the sentiment of "Anyone but Bush." Talks of Bush misleading the American people into war, a grudge from Bush Sr.'s war in the gulf, and W's stupidity ensue. I haven't heard anything such as Kerry's plan for Iraq (HAHA!) inspires them to believe he will make things right there; that they believe he will build up the economy better than Bush has, or that he has the right idea on some of the social issues we're facing. NOTHING. Amazing. Bush supporters though tend to talk more about what he has done already, and what they believe he will continue to do. Not anything about Kerry, except the occasional wonderment of his Senate record which last all the 4 seconds it takes to pose the question.
Then I found this article on the Washington Post's website.
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