Friday, October 15, 2004

There's Something About Mary

Wednesday night (as I am sure you have ALL heard), Senator Kerry mentioned Mary Cheyney, Dick Cheyney's daughter, during the debate as an example of homosexuals being born homosexual. The Bush camp reacted right away calling the comment out of line. Kerry says he was just praising "strong families".
News Flash John. There was no commentary about families going on at that point and time in the debate. You were rebuttling (sp?) on the Presidents answer of not being sure if gays were born as such.
To me this is clearly a strategy in the Kerry/Edwards campaign. Edwards mentioned Mary during the VP debate, and now Kerry at the final debate. It's a cheap, inappropriate, political scheme, and the John's should be ashamed of themselves. Leave the family out of it guys.


Blogger Jexas said...

Actually I watched a clip of that part of the debate before I posted this entry. If you see Cheyney's face, and the way he said thank you, it was more of a 'that's right buddy, you better not start talking about my daughter' type of response. He felt the same way then about the comment as he does now. He wasn't happy then, he isn't happy now, and rightful he shouldn't be.

October 15, 2004 at 12:44 PM

Blogger Jexas said...

Now Kerry is calling it a choice, as opposed to what he said during the 3rd debate, that it was who Mary was born as...
And people get onto Bush about his choice of words!

October 18, 2004 at 12:50 PM


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