Thursday, September 01, 2005

Biting the hand that feeds...

It's a scene you would think out of a war zone. But no, it's coming right out of New Orleans. Military helicopters airlifting distraught, injured, desperate people trying to get them to safety, and shots ring out... aimed toward the MILITARY HELICOPTERS!! And it's not foreign terrorists, it's NEW ORLEANS CITIZENS!! These looters are complaining that they want to get out, and then they start shooting at the very thing that's gonna help them??
Then looting is running rampant. And it's not just grocery stores, it's jewelry stores, electronics stores. And now it's gone from places of buisness to peoples homes!! This is ridiculous! What has happened to this AMERICAN city!!?!? My solution is that they need to send in Marines, Navy Seals, special ops... something!! And SHOOT THESE SNIPERS AND LOOTERS!! They are putting so many people in danger, not just those in the way of gunfire, but those who have had their wait to leave extended because the idiots have caused the relief efforts to be delayed! Sorry, but SHOOT THEM!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Sorry... long time

So, I saw I've been getting a bunch of hits on here, though I'm not sure why. I've been extremely busy and not motivated at all to post my political thoughts, wonderings, muses, whatever on here. I'll try to muster something up soon though. Peace!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Big Frikin Deal!

OMG! Condaleeze Rice wore high heel boots!!! I found this article on the Washington Posts's website and couldn't help but laugh. Are they so lost for ideas on what to analyze about her that they have to talk about the sexual nature of her outfit? HaHa!

In other news, I am so tired of seeing more and more people roll their eyes at the military. I've even seen the attitude that all soldiers are war criminals... of course people don't come out and say it, but you know what they're thinking. I have the utmost respect and admiration for all of our soldiers laying down theirs to protect ours. Everyone should. A tape came out a few months ago of a young marine shooting a wounded combatant, who was believed to still be a threat, in Fallujah and immediately people wanna jump all over him saying he violated basic human rights! Bill O'reilly had this to say:

"Compare that situation to Abu Ali, a 25-year-old Virginia man who the FBI believes was working with Al Qaeda and who is now charged with conspiring to kill President Bush.
Ali was arrested in Saudi Arabia. He says he was tortured there. And his case is engendering some sympathy. So let's put this in perspective. The young Marine — pretty much ignored by the elite media. But Abu Ali gets editorials today in The Washington Post and The New York Times.
The Times says, "What we can say now is that [Ali's] case seems to be another demonstration of what has gone wrong in the federal war on terror." So what we have now is the benefit of the doubt for Ali and silence for the Marine."

It's a sad day when the death of our president is not viewed as tragic as the death someone who hates us and wants to see all of us dead.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Guess Who's Back

Yep, I am. After the election I decided to take a break from politics and news until the new year. I had finals, and big papers due, plus the election had exhausted me. So now I am getting back into the swing of things... and it has helped me remember why I took a break. I am already riled up and annoyed at the many ridiculous things I have missed and are going on at the moment.
The Tsunami disaster has been heart breaking to watch unfold on the tv the last 2 weeks. So many people losing everything they owned and sometimes everyone they love. A horrible crisis. What is so ridiculous about this though is the way politics is being mixed right in with the whole issue. Americans are being accused of being stingy by countries such as France, and Germany. What's amazing about this is that France is only giving 50 million in government aid, and Germany, I believe the last report I saw said, 30 million. The U.S. however is giving 300 million in government aid, not to mention the millions being given in private. Then today various news outlets reported that Indonesia is demanding that American troops leave their country. There have been pictures of people in the areas affected by the tsunami holding up pictures of President George W. Bush with the caption "Real Devil" under them.
These people have got to be crazy. Real Devil? We are giving the 2nd largest donation of government funds! We are giving millions more in private funds! Do I have to say it again? Our soldiers are over there making sure people get what they need, are being well taken care of, helping search for more survivors, and clearing the area of things that could cause more harm. They want us gone? Where are wealthy muslim nations like Saudi Arabia? Guess what? They're not gonna get the help they need from them. I am so sorry for the tragedy that has wrecked numerous lives, but I think the idiots that are yeling for American troops removal and calling America and our President the "Real Devil" need to SHUTUP.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"If ever a man met his moment in history, that man is George W. Bush."

Congratulations to President George W. Bush on his victory in the race for the White House. Also, much respect to Senator John Kerry on his gracious concession. May God bless and guide him in all he does.
The numbers are still coming in, but it's looking like President Bush beat out John Kerry by 3 million in the popular vote and it looks like it will end up 279 EC for Bush, and 259 EC for Kerry. It's nice to know this will not be a dragged out election, and we can make progress in America.

Monday, November 01, 2004

The Coward Speaks

The NY Post reports today that Osama Bin Laden issued a warning to "Red" states in his October Surprise video. He says that a state for President Bush is at risk, and a state that is for Kerry is a friend. In the video he personally attacks the President as well.

Is this not enough evidence for the public who are undecided, or even for those who believe Kerry should be president? Bin Laden sees Bush as a threat, as someone who could put an end to his plots and schemes. Anyone who knows this now, and still votes for Kerry, is voting for Bin Laden and IS A COWARD!!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Playing the cards right?

Jimmy Carter accused President Bush of playing the 9/11 card in an article from The Gaurdian. Card? 9/11? I'm sorry, but that sort of thing just pisses me off. The President keeps talking about 9/11 because it is vital that we not forget what happened and who we are up against. It's not a card!
If anything is a card, it's the race card which John Kerry, and interest groups such as America Coming Together continue to play at an absolutely astonishing rate.